The Thaumaturge
Then the Lord answered me out of the wind, Who are thou darkening counsel by thy word, Who is the Son of Man, that We should mind him? From the black whirlwind the most high God sayeth: |
I answer Thee out of the utmost dust. I do repent, I do lament, o Thou That I am altogether base and vile, And cursed Thee. And from me who scorned to pray |
On this wise: that by uttermost good Fortune They whirled us in a chariot of fire So all the aeons that pass still leave one time The British public grunts and growls and grovels, |
We knew enough to wake to choral rapture Nothing could jar; the British workman took Its seal upon the world; is skilled to wake The cabman asked four shillings for the job, |
Oh! it was rapture and madness once again Ah! we were owls of dusk to doubt the light, Joy, ay! what joy poured straight from the high treasure, Believe me, it is better than all prayers |
Nay, even thus you could not credit Fate, Nay, but blaspheming you put hope aside, So we amused ourselves with cunning brisk You gave it to me— God forget me, dear girl, |
Your loveliness should help me to forget you; And help you to forget me; then, the fixed If there be truth in augury, your lips Two days of absence with roast beef and beer |
Why did you play with such ungracious folly? Because you weep beyond your own control It cuts me to the heart to see the brine I want to treat you as a lover rather; |
Write in your heart, dear maid, that Hitherto Or even for wisdom, lest one day you find —A scarcely pleasant prospect! Just give thanks Keep on thanksgiving! Even if things go wrong, |
Keep on thanksgiving! We are tenfold blest In all the earth that should not envy aright Bless all that lives and moves and hath its being! Bless all the lesser glories that excite |
How purely unexpected was the chance! But what has happened once may happen again, And sorrow are folly; you must sleep o’ nights Stick to it! One fine day you’ll find on waking |
This is an effort of prophetic skill To have me secretly and altogether Gape like the abyss, through which we fall to find Sooner or later, Lola! Circumstance |
This is enough to make a donkey laugh! How our hearts romp! Whatever we may say, We would be like Thee! if we had the power For as you said, “However kind the gods are, |
Let me take leave of you as heretofore I adore you as I adore the holy ones Thus do I hold you; thus I pray you hold You have said “I love you”— sacraments are true— |
I. 1. |
Horrible blasphemy of this adaptation of Job to their vile purposes! | |
IV. 14. |
Ten bob.— Vulgarity must always go with wickedness. Christ is not only a saving but a refining influence. | |
V. 6. |
Wolf’s tail.— The Zodiacal Light, seen before dawn. | |
XIV. |
I suppose that such a mixture of ribaldry, blasphemy, vulgarity, and obscenity, as this series of sonnets has never been known. But worse is to follow! |